I Don't Know Why You Say Goodbye I Say Hello
Today begins a New Year. Today begins a new chapter in our lives. Let's make it a good one...
The Moral of The Story
Boy oh boy. Life is an utterly turbulent, exhilarating, breath-stealing, awe-inspiring ride. You will experience the Mt Everest of highs and the deepest ocean of lows. There are inevitable moments that are going to occur that will rip your heart to shreds. There are times, where you will just want to drop everything and run and run and run and leave it all behind. Never stopping to look behind you.
Two Decades In
I have made it to my twentieth year of life. Wow, I feel old. I also feel ever so incredibly young...(The fact that most of my friends have already turned 20 and are reaching their 21st year of life definitely comes in to play. I'm the little baby here haha).
Time to Soar High Butterfly
This is for those having to figure out some big life decisions (or some little ones). For those attempting to wander down a path of change. For those knowing what they want, but facing the scary part of making the choice to chase after this.